ISU provides resources on flood recovery

If you’re working on levees and trying to get your equipment, grain, and household possessions out of the impending rising waters you’re not likely to take a break and get on the computer.  For those with neighbors and loved ones who have impending water issues, it could be a good service to download and print some of these pieces of information or keep them bookmarked so they can be referred to quickly when necessary.

Iowa State University Extension has a number of resources available to help Iowans cope as they deal with flooding and its aftermath. Check Recovering from Disasters, for practical and timely guidance on dealing with flood damage and cleanup, or contact an ISU Extension county office for access to resources and assistance.

Call ISU Extension’s Answer Line, 800-262-3804, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m for answers to home and family related questions. Answer Line’s professional family and consumer scientists offer research-based advice on everything from dealing with refrigerated food after a power outage to salvaging belongings or cleaning up mold in a flood damaged home.

Iowans who need to talk one-on-one about their particular situation may contact the ISU Extension Iowa Concern Hotline at 800-447-1985. Through Iowa Concern, Iowans can talk with stress counselors, seek out legal education or ask for a referral to appropriate resources.

North Dakota Extension also provides excellent resources on Property, Crops, and Livestock.

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