Apple season is here!

It’s that time of year again; apples are in plentiful supply.  Whether you have your own tree, pick them at an orchard, buy them at farmers markets, or just shop at the local grocery store; there is an amazing selection of apples available.  Which varieties make the best pies?

Check out this site from the University of Minnesota Extension service.  The site provides pictures of the different apple varieties along with a description and best use for that apple.

Some tips for buying and storing apples—no matter what variety.

  1. Apples should be firm and have a good color for the variety.
  2. Skins should be smooth and bruise free.
  3. Avoid over ripe apples, bruised areas, and soft mealy flesh.  Brown and tan areas should also be avoided.
  4. Handle apples gently; bumps and bruises can cause dark spots.
  5.  Apples like cool temperatures and high humidity.
  6.  Store apples in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator or a plastic bag with holes poked in for ventilation.
  7.  Store apples separately from other foods so they do not pick up “off” flavors.
  8.  Freshly harvested apples will remain fresh from 3-6 months.
  9.  Apples purchased at the grocery store will remain fresh for up to one month.
  10. Use the largest apples first as these usually lose quality and show signs of internal breakdown first.

Liz Meimann

I received both my undergraduate and graduate degrees in Food Science at Iowa State University. I love to quilt, sew, cook, and bake. I spent many years gardening, canning, and preserving food for my family when my children were at home.

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