Storing Whole Grains

Many of us are preparing more foods with whole grains these days.  Whole grains require more careful storage than regular all purpose flour.  Since whole grains contain the healthy oils in the germ of the grain it is more sensitive to heat, light and moisture.   Once they are brought home from the store they should be stored in either the refrigerator or freezer to maintain their freshness.

Whole grains can be purchased as either whole intact grains or whole grain flours and meals.  Wheat berries and brown rice are examples of whole intact grains.  They last longer than flour because they still have the protective coating of the grain kernel which keeps it from oxidizing as quickly.   Just like flours and meals they will keep longer if stored in air tight containers.   It is good advice to buy what you can use within 2-3 months.

Since each type of grain varies in fat content the Whole Grains Council has put together a chart to help you with how long they can be stored.  Remember to look at dates on the packages to find the freshest whole grains to bring home.


If you are new to using whole grains start by substituting 1/4 to 1/2 of the all purpose flour for a whole grain variety.  Enjoy the health benefits of whole grains!

Beth Marrs

I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Adult Home Economics Education. I love to cook and entertain and spend time with my family.

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