Mold Cleanup in the Home

IMG_2951Last time we discussed detection and prevention of mold growth in the home environment. What if you have detected mold and need to get rid of it?  Here are some steps you can take to clean, disinfect, and remove mold:

  • Dry all surfaces quickly; mold will grow within about two days.
  • Anyone spending more than a brief time cleaning mold should use a HEPA filter mask and gloves.
  • Porous materials should be discarded or completely decontaminated if they are moldy. Materials such as hard plastic, glass and metal can be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Remove the mold using a non-ammonia soap or detergent and scrubbing with a wet sponge or cloth. Never mix bleach and ammonia. Surfaces should be rinsed and allowed to dry after cleaning, as quickly as possible. Surfaces from which the mold cannot be completely removed should be treated with enough chlorine bleach to keep the surface moist for at least 15 minutes, rinsed and then rapidly dried.
  • Disinfect to kill mold spores after surfaces have dried by applying a solution of ¼ cup chlorine bleach per gallon of water or one tablespoon of bleach to a quart of water if you prefer to use a spray bottle or you have a small area to treat. Thoroughly wet the surface to be treated with the bleach solution and leave the solution to dry. There is no need to rinse the bleach solution as it will kill the mold spores within 10-15 minutes and the bleach will dissipate after drying.
  • *Important note: Bleach has a shelf life of six months, so be sure to use fresh bleach in your solution.
  • Other products that kill mold are biocides. These biocides have Environmental Protection Agency registration numbers on the bottle and instructions for the intended application.

Make sure that you have located the source of the moisture responsible for the mold growth and have taken steps to remedy the problem.  If the water source is not stopped the mold will regrow even after disinfection.

For information on mold removal from specific products and surfaces see the publication by North Dakota State University Extension Service, Molds in Your Home.

contributed by Jill Jensen, former AnswerLine Specialist

Beth Marrs

I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Adult Home Economics Education. I love to cook and entertain and spend time with my family.

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10 thoughts on “Mold Cleanup in the Home

  1. Whilst I was cleaning my room, I noticed a map-like stain on my walls, and from there I knew that those are molds. I’m glad you shared this by the way’ I’ll try my best cleaning it off with a non-ammonia soap or detergent just like what you’ve stated. I’ll also keep in mind to avoid mixing bleach and ammonia. I hope this works, because if not then I’d look for a mold remediation service.

  2. Mold on concrete steps and sidewalk. Need to know the best and safe way to remove it without damaging grass or shrubs.

  3. Hi, I would try to rent or borrow a pressure washer to remove the mold. Know that if the steps are shaded and we continue to get a lot of rain, you may have new mold grow where the old mold was. You may want to trim bushes or trees casting shade on the steps.

  4. Whilst cleaning my home’s walls I noticed familiar maplike marks and to my dismay, there are indeed molds. Thankfully you shared this; I’ll make sure to dry all the surfaces because according to you, wet places will trigger mold growth. I’d also keep in mind to try removing these using a non-ammonia soap.

  5. Hi Esther, thank you for your positive feedback. So sorry that you are facing this problem.

  6. Water damage and mold growth can cause issues with wooden constructions, insulation, and electrical wiring in your home. A mold examination and form remediation will lessen or forestall genuine primary damage. Mold indications, especially black mold symptoms, are hazardous, and can even be life-threatening. Thanks for sharing these amazing tips with us. I’ll surely try them.

  7. I love that you said that a proper drying solution is the best starting process for mold removal. My cousin told me yesterday that he was hoping to find a mold service as they have molds in their basement walls and floors due to recent water damage. He asked if I had ideas on the best mold servicing approach. I love this valuable mold removal guide article for effective planning. I’ll tell him he can consult mold removal services as they can help them with their mold problems.

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