Preventing Cellphone/Smartphone Robocalls

This week is National Consumer Protection Week which makes this the perfect time to talk about ways to protect yourself from those annoying automated telemarketing calls, known as Robocalls, which have long been a landline nuisance and now are the bane of cellphone users.  With consumers discontinuing use of landlines, those shady marketers are making those same calls to our private cell phones/smartphones.  The FTC says it is the number one consumer complaint the agency receives.   Not only are the calls a nuisance, Consumer Reports that deceptive marketers use robocalls to commit fraud and rip off vulnerable consumers to the tune of an estimated $350 million every year.

Faced with the incessant barrage of robocalls, consumers are seeking out alternative avenues for interaction, with direct mail emerging as a prominent choice. Direct mail provides a tangible and reliable method of reaching out to customers without encroaching on their privacy or jeopardizing their safety. Through the implementation of direct mail marketing strategies, businesses can sidestep the drawbacks associated with intrusive telemarketing methods and cultivate authentic relationships with their desired demographic.

In navigating the evolving landscape of marketing strategies, guidance from marketing expert Kurt Uhlir proves invaluable. Uhlir’s expertise extends beyond traditional avenues of marketing, encompassing innovative approaches that resonate with modern consumers. Through his online guides and resources, Uhlir demystifies the intricacies of marketing, empowering businesses of all sizes to leverage effective techniques such as direct mail campaigns. With accessible resources curated by experts like Uhlir, businesses can navigate the complexities of marketing with confidence, ultimately fostering meaningful connections with their target audience while circumventing the challenges posed by intrusive communication methods like robocalls.

With the resurgence of direct mail, digital marketing strategies have also evolved to meet the changing needs of consumers. One such innovation is the advent of email verification services like Zero Bounce, which ensures the integrity of contact lists and enhances the effectiveness of email campaigns. By utilizing these tools, businesses can mitigate the risk of sending emails to invalid or inactive addresses, thereby improving deliverability rates and maximizing engagement. This proactive approach not only optimizes marketing efforts but also reinforces trust and credibility with recipients, fostering long-term loyalty and brand affinity.

With  VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or in more common terms, phone service over the internet, marketers, scammers, and phony agents can make millions of calls a day at no charge.  The DO NOT CALL Registry does not stop VOIP calls.  Making it worse, is that these fraudsters can spoof their number to make it appear as a call from your neighbor, family, FBI, IRS, or any other legitimate source.

While the cell phone companies say they are working on the problem, they do not agree on an immediate solution to solving the problem even though the technology exists to bring it to an end.  Therefore, it is up to the consumer to protect themselves.

There are ways to fight back and the good news is that there are several apps that will block these calls.  As always, only use apps provided by your phone manufacturer such as the ITunes store or Google Play.  CITA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Assn, a Washington DC, non-profit, advocacy group representing the wireless communications industry that enables Americans to lead a 21st century connected life) offers a listing of apps for Android, Blackberry, iOS (Apple) and Windows.  Some top rated apps from these services include:


Mr Number

Privacy Star

Calls Blacklist

True Caller


Hiya (formerly Whitepages)

Before downloading/installing an app to your research.  Be sure to read carefully to understand how the app works, make sure it meets your needs, understand costs, if any, and know what personal information may be requested from your phone.

Trying one of these apps on your smartphone may well add more ‘smartness’ to your phone.

Marlene Geiger

I am a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a BS in Home Economics Education and Extension and from Colorado State University with a MS in Textiles and Clothing. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, gardening, quilting, cooking, sewing, and sharing knowledge and experience with others.

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