Hearing scheduled for bill that includes Smart Planning repeal

The House Appropriations Committee has scheduled a public hearing for HSB 1 the Taxpayers First Act that includes, among MANY other proposals, the language that repeals Smart Planning.  The hearing is set for next Tuesday, January 18 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm in the House Chamber.  There are a few rules on speaking which are stated in the press release announcing the hearing:

“Speaking time is three minutes per individual for all public hearings (written testimony is encouraged but not required).  Persons wishing to speak may sign up at the Legislative Information Office (LIO), Room G16, located in the Iowa State Capitol, or call the LIO at 515-281-5129. If unable to attend, you may e-mail written testimony to the LIO:  lioinfo@legis.state.ia.us Please type ‘Testimony’ in the subject line. The speaking order will be five pro, five con, etc. The first 40 persons to sign-up will speak, after that there will be a waiting list if time allows.”

HSB 1 eliminates from state code the ten Smart Planning Principles, the thirteen comprehensive plan elements, and all other references to Smart Planning added to the code.  The proposal also rescinds any of the $30 million in infrastructure funds awarded last year through I-Jobs II (discussed here) for communities that have not yet entered into a contract for their funds with the Iowa Finance Authority.  The proposal would also close the Rebuild Iowa Office immediately upon passage, rather than on June 30, 2011 which is the scheduled sunset date of the office.





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