Week Seven in Region Six!

Here is our highlights from this week!

Morningside Greenhouse Tour

Gabrielle, Nathan, Maddie, and Molly headed over to Morningside University on Tuesday to tour their greenhouse facility. They got a closer look to the multiple hydroponic systems set up, and the produce growing in them. The hydroponic system’s water supply is connected to their aquaculture tanks as well for additional fertilizer to the plants. All the produce grown will be donated to food shelters and university dining!


Nathan and Alex headed over to Plymouth Wednesday morning to run the STEM camp activity. STEM camp consists of kids that do a day camp at the YMCA, but come over to the Extension building to learn something new! The activity this week was the blender bike. Kids blended themselves a berry and spinach smoothie and loved it! This recipe can be found on Extension’s “Spend Smart, Eat Smart” website.

PoP Club

This week’s activity for PoP Club was the blender bike! Participants made their own salsa in the blender with fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. As the kids pedal, the front wheel spins the motor in the blender; the faster you pedal, the faster it blends. Participants earned their wooden token after completing the activity, and they were even able to take home some of the salsa for themselves!

Container Workshop

Maddie and Gabrielle spent Thursday night hosting a container workshop. Roughly 20 people came to the Woodbury Office and planted a range of plants in Iowa State 5 gallon buckets! It was pouring rain, so the workshop was moved inside, but everyone still learned a lot and had fun!

Monona Fair Prep

All the Rising Stars headed to the Monona Fairgrounds on Friday to help prepare for fair next week. It was all hands on deck with all of the 4-H kids coming to help out put fences up, sweep barns, and hang up stall cards. We interviewed some kids about their favorite things about the fair and 4-H and some of them will be highlighted in our end of year video!