Region 4 Week Recap

We hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Last week was pretty uneventful. The majority of the time was spent on final projects and meetings to understand the expectations of each project. One of these meetings was with all the county directors in our region. This meeting helped clarify questions and structure the final presentation. A rough draft will be presented later this week in order to refine ideas and stay on track for August 4th.

Art Farm

This project has slowly taken shape over the course of the summer. It started with landscaping plans and has progressed to example barn plans. Weekly meetings with the owner and visionary Steve Hanson have proven effective with design planning. This means the plans are communication driven with a mutual understanding of where the project is headed. As this project comes to a close, expect refined images and renderings.

Central Gardens

Even though most of the week was full of project work and meetings the team still had time to explore the garden. Last time the team visited the garden, the flowers were just starting to grow. After our second to last meeting in Clear Lake, the garden was almost in full bloom. The team enjoyed walking around new displays and art installations.


Summer comes to an end and we finalize our projects, the team will miss these nice summer days. However this train is still steaming ahead, expect more great things to come from Region 4