Michigan adopts complete streets legislation

by Gary Taylor

Michigan has adopted an amendment to its planning enabling legislation to incorporate complete streets policies into local comprehensive plans.  Plans should address “all components of a transportation system and their interconnectivity including streets and bridges, public transit, bicycle facilities, pedestrian ways, freight facilities and routes, port facilities, railroad facilities and airports to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in a manner that is appropriate to the context of the community….”

Beginning January 1, 2016, the transportation element of a city, township or county comprehensive plan shall at a minimum address:

  • The level of service of all streets in the local street system and any recommended changes to the street system and/or levels of service,
  • The mechanism for assessing, preventing, and mitigating the traffic and other impacts of large, traffic-generating land uses that may be developed along existing or proposed major street corridors;
  • Major street corridor access management issues, proposed solutions to prevent traffic crashes and preserve street capacity, and proposed policies to prevent future traffic safety problems and to remediate existing problems;
  • Traffic noise along major street corridors, including proposed solutions and policies to limit noise;
    pedestrian and bicycle access and service issues along all streets, the potential for new or expanded pedestrian facilities and bicycle lanes and pathways, and appropriate recommendations for a complete streets policy, context sensitive design, traffic calming techniques, and walkability and bikeability policies.

A copy of the bill (H.B. 6152) can be found here.





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